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Creole Garlic, Cuban Purple

6 in stock

    • 45 $


Quick Overview

Allium sativum var. sativum

FULL SUN The Creole Group of garlics is most valued because they are well suited to hot southern growing climates and tolerant of early-season heat and drought. At one time they were known as Southern Continental (referring to the European Continent) and many of the cultivars grown in the United States today originated in Spain. In the Southwest, these garlics are known as “Mexican Purple”.

Creoles have fine taste and are good storers. Though the bulbs are not large, the exquisite flavor of the cloves more than makes up for the size. The bulbs and cloves are incredibly beautiful with clove skins in a range of shades of deep reddish purple.

Cuban Purple was introduced into the United States in 1991 from Cordoba, Spain. It was originally known as Rojo de Castro. Interestingly, because of the ‘Castro’ name, this cultivar was largely ignored. However, after a series of convoluted nomenclature exercises, the garlic became known as Cuban Purple. It has no relation with Cuba or Castro.Once its magnificently colored clove wrappers are removed, the cloves are cream colored to slightly tan. Eaten raw, they have minimal heat, but they possess a rich garlicky flavor.

Type Spacing Planting Depth Days to Germination Maturity
Softneck 4-6 in. 1-2 in. 14-21+ 180-270

Creole Garlic, Cuban Purple

Native to south-central Asia, garlic was probably domesticated from a single variety, Allium longicuspis, thousands of years ago. Today the plant is grown on every continent except Antarctica.

Garlic, which is a member of the same group of plants as the onion, has been cultivated for millennia. As a cultivated plant, it is so old that it is difficult to credit a country of origin for this vegetable. All modern garlic belongs to one of two subspecies: hardneck (ophioscorodon) or softneck (sativum). Hardneck subspecies try to produce flower stalks with small aerial cloves called bulbils. Hardnecks will not produce large bulbs underground unless the flower stalks are removed. There are three varieties of hardneck garlic: Purple Striped, Porcelain and Rocambole. Softnecks have lost the ability, for the most part, to produce a flower stalk. However, under certain climatic situations, the bulbs may try to produce a flower stalk known as bolting. There are three varieties of softneck garlic: Artichoke, Silverskin and Creole.

The Creole Group of garlics is most valued because they are well suited to hot southern growing climates and tolerant of early-season heat and drought. At one time they were known as Southern Continental (referring to the European Continent) and many of the cultivars grown in the United States today originated in Spain. In the Southwest, these garlics are known as “Mexican Purple”.

Creoles have fine taste and are good storers. Though the bulbs are not large, the exquisite flavor of the cloves more than makes up for the size. The bulbs and cloves are incredibly beautiful with clove skins in a range of shades of deep reddish purple.

Cuban Purple was introduced into the United States in 1991 from Cordoba, Spain. It was originally known as Rojo de Castro. Interestingly, because of the ‘Castro’ name, this cultivar was largely ignored. However, after a series of convoluted nomenclature exercises, the garlic became known as Cuban Purple. It has no relation with Cuba or Castro.Once its magnificently colored clove wrappers are removed, the cloves are cream colored to slightly tan. Eaten raw, they have minimal heat, but they possess a rich garlicky flavor.

Garlic is best when planted in the fall, but can be planted in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked. If planting in the fall, plant 30 days before the ground freezes and mulch with straw or alfalfa hay if possible. Garlic must have some exposure to cold for several weeks or it will not bulb. Amend the soil with potash and phosphate before planting. Plant the cloves 1-2 in. deep and 4-6 in. apart in rows separated by 12-18 in.

Harvest in mid-summer when 2/3 of the stalk has turned brown or yellow. Dig the bulbs from the soil with stalks attached. Cure in a dry, shaded area with lots of air circulation for 4-6 weeks. Stalks can then be removed from the bulbs.

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