Shallots, An Outstanding Crop for Fall Planting

Basket of Shallots THE SHALLOTS DISCUSSED IN THIS NEWSLETTER ARE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: This newsletter contains information that was discussed in our August 24, 2019 newsletter. However, if you are like me, I was not paying attention to shallots in August, so I am repeating and embellishing the info from that newsletter. Shallots are…

Shallots, For Best Results Plant These Little Buggers in the Fall

Basket of Shallots Shallots, For Best Results Plant These Little Buggers in the Fall Many of our winter hardy vegetables – onion and elephant garlic sets, parsnips, salsify, etc. – can be planted in both the spring or the fall, but to be really successful with shallots, you should try to plant them in the fall. Shallots are sold as…