A Simple Present That is Rich in Nourishment and Unequaled in Utility

PinkLady Gardeners’ Soap A Simple Present That is Rich in Nourishment and Unequaled in Utility THE TOOLS DISCUSSED IN THIS NEWSLETTER AREA AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: https://www.harvesting-history.com/product-category/garden-tools-equipment/ For the next five weeks we are going to enrich your Holiday Garden Gift buying experience by teaching you about the history of some of the most beloved heirloom…

Rarely Available-Frequently Needed, The Gardener’s Heirloom Handrake

The Handrake Rarely Available- Frequently Needed, The Gardener’s Heirloom Handrake For the next five weeks we are going to enrich your Holiday Garden Gift buying experience by teaching you about the history of some of the most beloved heirloom garden products known to man. If you purchase these products from us, we can assure you that they will become some…

Sweet, Beautiful and Nutritious – The Home Grown Pepper

View the Harvesting History videos on growing peppers at our YouTube site Sweet, Beautiful and Nutritious- The Home Grown Pepper Sweet peppers are one of those vegetable garden essentials that should only be consumed when picked fresh from the garden. By the time a sweet pepper has reached the grocery store produce section it has lost some of its sweetness…