Herb, Summer Savory
There are 2 savories. Winter Savory is a perennial, woody, low growing shrub. Summer Savory is a bushy, taller plant. In all other aspects, the two Savories are nearly identical. Harvesting History sells Summer Savory. The Savories were the primary culinary herbs in Europe until world exploration and trade brought tropical spices. Savory could be described as the “Universal Herb”. The plant’s flavor enhances many different foods including shell beans, lentils, snap beans, rutabagas, peas, asparagus, parsnips, salsify, Brussel sprouts and eggplants. The Romans used it to make exotic vinegars. The Italians and Saxons used the herb extensively.
Summer Savory is a great pollinator plant. The poet, Virgil, recommended planting Savory near beehives. It is attractive to bees and the resulting honey has a lovely flavor. Butterflies and other beneficial insects are attracted to Summer Savory.
Summer Savory is also an excellent companion plant. It enhances the growth of nearly every vegetable and/or herb when planted next to them. It is not detrimental to any flower, vegetable or herb. With its ability to enhance the flavor of many vegetables, to attract beneficial pollinating insects and to act as a nourishing companion plant, Savory truly is a “Universal Herb”.