3 of the Spring’s Most Historic Flowers Hyacinthoides Non-scripta – The English Bluebell Buy Now for Fall Planting We will be finishing the “Bulb Newsletters” in the next 2 weeks because you may be tiring of the subject, but we wouldn’t be Harvesting History if we didn’t persist in trying to teach you about the finer points of heirloom gardening…
Paperwhites The 2018 Rutgers Bulb Lectures Saturday, October 27. 2018, I will be delivering 2 lectures on fall planted bulbs at Rutgers Gardens in New Brunswick, NJ. These lectures are open to the public for a fee of $50 per lecture. More information is available at the following link: http://rutgersgardens.rutgers.edu/fallclasses.html Species Tulip – Biflora This morning lecture will discuss flower…
7 Tulips Deer Don’t Eat
Species Tulip – Acuminata Buy Now for Fall Planting! This is the third installment in a series about a remarkable class of tulips known as the Species Tulips. If you are archiving these newsletters the other two installments occurred on 9-8-2018 and 9-22-2018. For those of you who have deer, squirrels, bunnies, chipmunks and other critters that like to…
Muscari Magic
> Grape Hyacinths Buy Now for Fall Planting! Without fail, whenever any of us venture into a Walmart, we are greeted by a kindly, gently smiling, usually older face that welcomes us into Walmart USA. The key words in this past sentence, as they apply to Grape Hyacinths, are WITHOUT FAIL, GREETED, GENTLY SMILING and OLDER for these…
Largest and Best Tasting Garlic
The 2018 Garlic Harvest: The Largest and Best Tasting Varieties 2018 Creole Garlic, Burgundy Buy Now for Fall Planting! Harvesting History spends a lot of time with our customers sharing stories with them at Harvest Festivals and Flower Shows, horticulture lectures, answering questions from emails and other social media platforms and speaking with many on the phone. At this time…
Forced Bulbs
Forcing bulbs is a process by which you trick spring flowering bulbs into blooming in the middle of winter. Forcing bulbs is an ancient tradition practiced by Europeans since the late 17th century. Anna Pavord, in her landmark book, Bulb, wrote, “Keen plantsmen soon discovered that it was possible to force hyacinths into bloom earlier than Nature intended. Nehemiah…